Site icon Cadboro Bay Residents Association (CBRA)

“BC Rivers Day” at Whitehead Park, Sept 29th, 1-3 pm


The Friends of Tod Creek Watershed invite everyone to help them celebrate BC Rivers Day on Sept 29th 2013, 1-3 pm, at at Whitehead Park (corner of Prospect Lake Road and Goward Road at 
Whitehead Park is located at Prospect Lake). 

It is our mission to protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of our watershed. Toward this goal, we participate in many local, provincial and federal events.

Rivers Day is Canada’s largest river appreciation event, and we are pleased to be a part of this world-wide celebration. We are using this Sept 29th as a vehicle to raise awareness about Tod Creek, and as an opportunity to showcase our ongoing park and riparian restoration.

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed will be providing family activities, aimed at informing the general public, and especially children, about the beauty and importance of our waterways. We will have educational materials and experiences, prizes, and refreshments.

They are especially pleased that Peninsula Streams is bringing their watershed model to provide a hands-on demonstration of the topography and workings of a watershed.

[Source: SCAN & Mary Haig-Brown, Chair Friends of Tod Creek Watershed]

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