
Cadboro Bay Local Area Plan Update

Saanich has shared this information for Cadboro Bay Community Members:

Community Survey (June 22 to August 1, 2022)

Following the Cadboro Bay Village Workshop on Housing and on-line event, this survey seeks community feedback on an expanded Village core and housing to better meet community needs, including purpose built rental housing and housing for a broader range of incomes. The survey is available from June 22 to August 1, 2022.

Take the Community Survey here.

1 thought on “Cadboro Bay Local Area Plan Update”

  1. Yet another online survey purporting to be a Cadboro Bay community survey, now offering even more densification than before, all the way to Telegraph Road, and open to anyone in the world to fill out, as many times as want, without any working verification process to determine where they are actually from, or who they are.

    All this, after one of the Saanich Presenters at the in person LAP meeting reluctantly after being pressed to answer the question numerous times by those present, said that there would be a form question asking for the address of those filling out the survey.

    It was obvious then, that they wouldn’t actually do it, and it is no coincidence that immediately after that, that the meeting was shut down by the same presenter half an hour early before schedule, before the public were offered any opportunity to ask questions as they had been promised over and over again during the presentation that they would at the end.

    Conveniently, the online Q&A that followed and was timed at the same time as the CBRA meeting, had questions screened in advance (“filtered” was the term used), so any uncomfortable too close to the point questions didn’t arise for the presenters/planners.

    Several letters to the editor that I wrote on the subject of these surveys and their faulty/unscientific method:

    If the same criteria as an open online survey were used for any democratic election, the UN wouldn’t even bother to send out observers, such would be the obviousness of the farce and so it is again here regarding the future of Cadboro Bay, in the interests of developer profits/UVIC Expansionism over that of the local community.

    Thank you,

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